Guest Book |
Name: Richard C
Date: 07/15/2014
Message: My Zebra Fountain is truly beautiful, one of a kind creation. I love to watch the water flow and listen to the soothing sound of the waterfall. Thank you Rockee!
Name: Karjee Cheng
Date: 04/21/2014
Message: Thank you Rockee, for one of the most satisfying online purchases I have ever made! About twenty years ago, I bought three crystal tabletop fountains. Their pumps have long since died, and these fountains have been silent for many, many years. I have looked in the aquarium supplies shops here in my country (Singapore) - though there are many different brands of pumps of varying quality, the only small capacity ones for tabletop fountains are cheap ones from China; and I strenuously avoid China-made products where possible! Recently, I found out about high-performance Fountain Pro pumps, and started searching online to order some - but the many sellers I found online do not despatch to Singapore. Then I stumbled on the website of Fountains n Slate - and I thought, okay, let's try one last time before buying those China-made pumps. And Fountain n Slate ships to Singapore! **dances for joy** The level of service here is beyond perfect ... on a scale of 1 to 10, I would give it a 100! Friendly, helpful, accommodating, courteous, prompt ... I can go on and on ... I changed my order a few times - to add items, and finally, to completely replace the pumps originally ordered with the European ones Fountain n Slate has. I didn't see that at first, and had already resigned myself to having to use step-down transformers. Rockee was extremely patient with my fickle-mindedness, and always responded courteously to my email messages. And what a delight to find that my order was shipped the day after payment was made! Kudos to Rockee and Fountain n Slate!
Name: Dave Jackson
Date: 04/03/2014
Message: Love this website, will be a customer soon.
Name: Dr. John Michel
Date: 08/22/2013
Message: This has to be one of the most interesting and welcoming sites if you are interested in making your patios come alive. Ask for Rockee and you will be in for a welcoming experience par excellence.
Name: Antonnete
Date: 07/23/2013
Message: hi sir! I really like all your interior and exterior home decorations posted here it really amaze me.I am doing a research now and your photos really helps.Don't you worry I am your fan now and I will recommend you to my friends..Thank you so much
Name: Pat
Date: 05/20/2013
Message: Rockee, thanks for all your help with glass tube I neede for fountain,wish you weren't so far away I buy a fountain from you Pat (moose-jaw,Sk)
Name: Marianne Mazur
Date: 03/18/2013
Message: I ordered my fountain pump on Friday, 3/15 and received today, Monday, 3/18. It is exactly what I needed. Thank you for such prompt service!!
Name: Pauline Bezette
Date: 02/07/2013
Message: Hello, I am viewing the whole page here and see you do carry the small pump piece I need, it changes the lights as well, do you sell only this part. Mine won't work now, maybe the tool kit would work for me.
Name: Paul Oglesby
Date: 12/11/2012
Message: Nice site and good prices from what I have found so far.
Name: Don Miller
Date: 11/11/2012
Message: Rockee was very easy to work with.